
Line Symbol – Copy And Paste [┃, │,︱, ┊, ︳, ┋, ┆, ╵, 〡]

Line symbols are highly versatile and essential symbols that find utility across various platforms and applications.

Work in various fields includes Graphic Design, Map Cartography, Architectural Drawings, Engineering Drafting, Mathematical Graphs, Web Design, Flowcharts and Diagrams, and more.

If you’re looking for an extensive array of line symbols, you can find a comprehensive list below.

  • ┃, │, ╽, ╿, ╏, ║, ╎, ┇, ︱, ┊, ︳, ┋, ┆: Vertical line symbols, often used to create divisions, separate sections, or emphasize vertical alignment.
  • ╵, 〡, 〢, ╹, ╻, ╷, 〣: Different symbols representing variations of vertical lines, sometimes used for decorative or formatting purposes.
  • ☰, ☱, ☲, ☳, ☴, ☵, ☶, ☷: These symbols are part of trigrams used in the I Ching and are sometimes employed for visual organization or decoration.
  • ﹉, ﹍, ﹊, ﹎: Various forms of horizontal line symbols, often used for stylistic or decorative purposes.
  • ≡, ═, ━, ─, ╍, ┅, ┉, ┄, ┈, ╌, ╴, ╶, ╸, ╺, ╼, ╾: These symbols represent horizontal lines, double lines, or variations used for different visual effects, separation, or alignment.
  • ︲: A symbol used as a vertical separator in certain contexts.
  • ⑆, ⑇, ⑈, ⑉, ⑊, ⑄, ⑀: These symbols are part of a set used in mathematical notation or as decorative elements.
  • ︴: A symbol used as a vertical line or separator in certain writing systems.
  • ﹏, ﹌, ﹋: These symbols are used as horizontal lines or dividers for decorative or formatting purposes.
  • ╲, ╱, ︶, ︵, 〵, 〴, 〳, 〆: Symbols representing diagonal lines, slashes, or decorative elements often used for visual appeal.
  • `, ᐟ, ‐, ⁃, ⎯, 〄: Various symbols representing dashes, hyphens, or horizontal lines used for different purposes in typography and formatting.
  • ╳, ✕: Symbols representing a diagonal or cross, are often used to indicate deletion, cancellation, or to mark an item.