






Square Symbol [▢, ▣, ▤, ▥, ▦, ▧, ▨, ▩, ▪, ▫]

Are you in search of a Square symbol? Get all kinds of square signs and symbols on this page, you can easily copy and paste the symbol.

Below is a list of all types of square symbols with their meaning:

  • ▢, ▣, ▤, ▥, ▦, ▧, ▨, ▩: These symbols are variations of square shapes, often used for design and formatting purposes.
  • ▪, ▫: Solid square and open square symbols, respectively. These are used for bullet points, checkboxes, or to denote items in a list.
  • ▰, ▱: Representations of square shapes with shading variations, often used for decorative purposes or to create patterns.
  • ◧, ◨, ◩, ◪, ◫: These symbols are variations of diamond shapes, adding diversity to design elements.
  • ∎: End of proof symbol, often used in mathematical and logical contexts to indicate the conclusion of a proof or demonstration.
  • ■, □: Solid square and open square symbols, commonly used for checkboxes, lists, or to represent filled or empty containers.
  • ⊞, ⊟, ⊠, ⊡: Geometric symbols used in mathematics and computing, representing mathematical operations or logical concepts.
  • ❏, ❐, ❑, ❒: Square-shaped symbols with variations, used for different purposes such as checkboxes, document annotations, or design elements.
  • 🔳, 🔲: Emoji representations of an open square and a filled square, often used for visual representation or as part of messaging.
  • ◊: Diamond shape symbol, used for various purposes in design and typography.
  • ◈: Square with a cross inside, used as a decorative element or to represent specific concepts.
  • ◇, ◆: Diamond and rhombus shapes, respectively, used for design, formatting, or as part of graphical elements.
  • ⎔: Geometric symbol used for specific purposes in mathematical notation.
  • ⎚: Symbol often used to represent the “clear” or “erase” function.
  • ☖, ☗: Chess symbols for white and black squares, respectively.
  • 🔶, 🔷, 🔸, 🔹: Emoji representations of different-colored diamonds and squares, used for visual elements or in messaging.
  • 💠: Diamond with a dot in the center, often used for decorative purposes or as a stylized design element.
  • 〓: Square characters are often used in Japanese text as a placeholder or to represent unknown characters.
  • ☰, ☲, ☱, ☴, ☵, ☶, ☳, ☷: Trigrams from the I Ching, representing different elements in Chinese philosophy.